License Information
A Personal License gives you permission to use the files for personal non-commercial use. You may NOT sell any items made with these files. These files are not to be shared or redistributed in any way, nor may they be resold.
A Small Use Limited Commercial License gives you permission to use the files for sale up to 200 handmade products. Each shirt, hat, sign, etc is classified as one unit. If you go over the 200 unit mark you will need to repurchase an additional commercial license. Files may NOT be shared or redistributed in any way, nor may they be resold.
A Large Use Limited Commercial License gives you permission to use the files for sale up to 500 handmade products. Each shirt, hat, sign, etc. is classified as one unit. If you go over the 500 unit mark you will need to repurchase an additional commercial license. Files may NOT be shared or redistributed in any way, nor may they be resold.
None of our licenses give you permission to use with print-on-demand services such as Zazzle, Cafe Press, Printly, Printed Mint, etc.
For full license terms and conditions, please click here to download. If you have any questions, please email us at with LICENSES as the subject line!